Business is always evolving, and that can make it tricky to know where to spend your marketing dollars.  It’s not as simple as using the next big platform; it’s about knowing your audience and reaching them effectively. That’s where Valpak comes in! For almost 50 years the Valpak Direct Mail brand has been starting the conversation between consumers and merchants.

When the consumer researches a local, regional or national product or service, Valpak is there at the top of the search results page.  We’ve got the reach and knowledge to get you to the first page too.  Try it yourself using a typical search, type restaurant coupons Rochester NY in your favorite search engine and see what happens; Valpak is right there in the top results!  We can help your business get there too!

Click to learn how we can get you Better Results with our Direct Mail program.

Valpak of Rochester NY

Top 7 business reasons to choose Valpak:

  1. Valpak is a leader in direct mail with nearly 40 years of marketing experience in building successful advertising campaigns based on proven best marketing practices
  2. You can create a customized direct mail campaign that you can mail locally or across North America to targeted mailing zones (9 in 10 adults receiving a blue Valpak envelope open it and look through the offers)
  3. You can select from a variety of colorful and unique format options including coupons, flyers, postcards and more to fit your product, message and budget
  4. The Valpak national promotions program builds consumer excitement and anticipation around every mailing while national and local advertising on TV, radio, outdoor and the Internet reminds consumers of the blue envelope savings
  5. Valpak can help your business expand through connecting with customers through a variety of social media sites
  6. Valpak consumers are upscale, educated, professionals, a quality audience with dollars to spend. The average Valpak household income is 28% higher than average
  7. Valpak starts the conversation between consumers and merchants