Digital Mail

"Valpak of Rochester can give you the 360 degree complete view of your marketing efforts and bring all the separate efforts together to be managed effectively."

Business is always evolving, and that can make it tricky to know where to spend your marketing dollars. If you're feeling overwhelmed keeping track of all your digital and print advertising feeds, you're not alone. It can be challenging to assess all of the data and formulate a strategy. Valpak of Rochester can work with you to help you put your money to work for you. It’s not as simple as using the next big platform; it’s about knowing your audience and reaching them effectively. That’s where Valpak comes in! Valpak Rochester is a full service advertising company specializing in direct mail, digital media, and driving new customers to your business. Learn About Dashboards

Starting the conversation

For almost 50 years the Valpak Direct Mail brand has been starting the conversation between consumers and merchants. We use direct mail advertising in combination with digital marketing efforts to give you the best results for your dollar. You can reach your consumers in the mail through our Blue Envelope, which has national recognition for the savings it holds. Track and see if that ad worked. By placing a call tracking number or site tracking number on your ad, you can measure the effectiveness of your ad by the behavior it inspires in your consumer. They might call about the offer, for instance, or look you up online to find out more information about your company. If they do, you'll know the ad worked. The same can be done for display ads online. With call-to-action buttons on the ads you can track how effective your digital advertising efforts are and adjust your budget. 

Putting the pieces together

When a consumer does an internet search (which they do more frequently and easily with their mobile devices) they might search for your specific business to learn more, or they might do a more general search by their location and a specific product or service. If your offers are on our website, then Valpak is there at the top of the search results page showing your business off to the consumer and letting them know you can meet their need. We’ve got the reach and knowledge to get you to the first page of search results by your webpage too!

We can help you track real-time results in the mail, online, and by phone. Valpak of Rochester can give you the 360 degree complete view of your marketing efforts and bring all the separate efforts together to be managed effectively. See Case Studies

Today’s consumer experiences an incredible amount of traditional and digital advertising everyday. Traditional channels include direct mail, broadcast, billboards, and telemarketing. The digital channels a consumer experiences include, display advertisements, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, Email marketing, SEO and SEM (Adwords). As a business, it is important to choose the correct channels to market to the consumer. Each channel alone has the ability to be successful, but the key to successful marketing campaign is cross channel marketing. Each channel is unique and important to the overall message. 

Don't just channel surf

So how do you as a business select the correct channels? With our help. Valpak of Rochester ensures that all of the correct channels are utilized and are integrated to optimize the consumer’s experience. This allows the user to move about each channel with ease, creating greater visibility of your marketing message.

It is essential to not only convert, but track the consumer as they move through the channels. Analyzing the performance of your business' marketing channels furthers the success of your marketing campaign. Valpak of Rochester uses proper measurement tools to be able to track an accurate return on investment (ROI).

We help you engage consumers in an effective way across all channels. This drives quality actions through cross media platforms, which in turn makes marketing campaigns successful for your business.