This is the "In the Mail" part of what we do.

  • Direct Mail AdvertisingA marketing effort that uses the local mail service in order to send out advertisements to a specific targeted audience in Rochester, NY. Choose your target audience by location, age, and more.
  • Valpak's Blue Envelope (the one with all the coupons and savings in it) is a convenient and cost-effective way for businesses to send out local advertising to current and potential consumers in Rochester, NY. The envelope contains a variety of B2B & B2C ads from companies such as restaurants, home improvement contractors, health and beauty specialists and more.
  • The Valpak envelope can include saving offers on a national, regional, and local level.
  • There is also an option for businesses to send solo direct mail advertising which will only include promotions for a particular business. These pieces are not included in our envelope but would go out "solo" in the mail to homes in the Rochester, NY area.
  • Solo direct mail could include political candidate advertising for an election, entry forms for fundraising events, postcards, grand opening announcements and more.

Knock, knock.

With direct mail advertising, your product or service can walk right up to a potential customer and knock on their door. Direct mail is a huge market resource for reaching your Rochester, NY consumers because your advertisement can reach out to targeted audiences through their mailboxes. There's more to it than meets the eye though. That's why we're here to help. While direct mail is still an effective marketing tool, digital advertising services are now a large part of successful marketing. People now have “junk mail” coming to their online inbox as well as their home mailbox. Being bombarded by advertising can take its toll on the consumer. 

This is why it is important to find new and creative ways to advertise. Consumers should be enticed to open their mail. The prospect of saving is a good tool for this. People like saving money. If your goods or service can help them, as well as save them money, then there is a good chance your mail will be opened and inspire action from the consumer. And not just any consumer. Targeted, high potential leads. Valpak can identify the right audiences for you and implement targeted direct mail advertising in the Rochester, NY area and digital advertising campaigns. Valpak Rochester presents savings to the consumer in a convenient way by mailing ads with coupons to homes through direct mail, as well as advertising online offers. This is a powerful combination because you're getting the best of both worlds, and we can drive results for both. See Valpak Direct Mail Products and mailing zones.

Know your consumer.

One essential part of direct mail advertising is to know your Rochester, NY consumer. If you mail by location, make sure you are familiar with the local audience to better target them as consumers. Knowing your consumer increases the likelihood of conversion (the consumer completes a desired behavior) because the advertising will be more relevant to them. The conversion you are looking for with direct mail could be a couple different things: calling the company number on the ad, visiting the website listed, or redeeming the coupon. Conversion increases when the ad is relevant. For example, if the location you are mailing to is an old town in Rochester, NY with lots of history or tradition, then you can mention these things in your ad so that you better understand the people living there, and what is important to them. This makes your ad more applicable to their daily lives. At Valpak Rochester we can help you craft your ads to be ideal for advertising to your Rochester, NY consumers and drive results.

As you get to know your consumer you will build a relationship with them and build brand awareness throughout Rochester as well. Advertising through direct mail with Valpak Rochester is also different from mobile or online advertising. The consumer is at home, likely not in a rush or on the go. They have more time to look at details and information. These direct mail ads can be more personable. Statistically, the consumer will spend a longer amount of time looking at direct mail than digital advertising. That said, the ad shouldn’t be bogged down with unnecessary info, because the time they will spend looking at it, while longer than an ad on a mobile device, is still limited. And reading a lot of content takes effort. If you have a lot of content on there, you had better make it worth the read.